Saturday, 17 June 2017

Pizza Sharing

In Maths, we have been learning what the word 'equal' means and how to share equally. Our teacher gave us a pizza that had been cut into halves or quarters. We had to pretend to be a pizza chef and make pizza toppings with play dough. We then had to share the toppings equally on to each piece of the pizza.  


Monday, 12 June 2017

Playing with a friend

Brayden and Ava decided to play with the skittles outside.  Brayden saw a line on the concrete and thought that would be a great place to line up the skittles.  Once Ava and Brayden lined the skittles up Ava counted them.  She discovered that there were 16 skittles.  Brayden made the rule of standing on the ring when you rolled the ball to make sure the game was fair.  Both Brayden and Ava showed wonderful turn taking and helping each other to stand the skittles up again.

Sunday, 11 June 2017


Easy Blog Photo

Matthew and Brayden were playing teachers. 
Brayden was being the teacher and Matthew was the student. They were practising phonics and their letters. Brayden was showing Matthew how to write a k. They also played Authors Chair where Matthew was writing and Brayden gave him a hand for good writing and asked him to share to the others his writing.